Febuary 2023 Newsletter

January 2023 Newsletter
January 1, 2023
March 2023 Newsletter
April 13, 2023

Febuary 2023 Newsletter

Hello Families and Friends!

This month’s issue from Meadowcare will be a little different. It is written by, better than us, the residents, living here! It is a collection of our table talk and creative minds.

This is our letter. We are spending time together with smiles upon our faces, holding hands together.

‘We are lucky to live in a world where we matter to one another’ Anne says. ‘I agree’ says Maureen, Christine and Pam. ‘We all agree’ says Sidney laughing and a big ‘Yes’ from Gail and Monica.

We should do something for our families, Elizabeth suggests. And here it is… a song for you.

No one is an island,

Meadowcare sees to that.

No one is an island,

We’ve even got a cat.